Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm going to try cleaning like this...

Meet our neighbors the"Frat Boys" there are about 30 of them. Next time we really need to clean up the house I think I will try their method. It goes something like this:
  • Party very hard-like a frat boy
  • Leave all food, plates, tables, furniture etc. sitting outside for 2 days
  • Beginning cleaning by literally just pulling tablecloth, plates and all onto the floor and shovel it into dumpster, or stack it around dumpster or just leave it in the yard.
  • Get hoses out and spray everything down from the very steep roof.
  • Start huge water and/or food fight.
This method can also be done with all indoor furniture. I believe it works best if you are seriously hung over!! It also provides great entertainment for neighbors!!

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