Saturday, September 18, 2010


For the last few years, my gal pal Anissa has come to run the Labor Day Race here. Why she or anyone else enjoys running for more than1 block is beyond my understanding! But she does it and hardly looks like she is winded coming across the finish line. She brought her son up to run in the kids race. At the last minute Chandler decided it might be fun to run with his friend Dallin (definitely not a gene he acquired from Shawn or myself.) 

So Chandler ran the little race ( I think it was less than a mile) but he managed to take 2nd place. As his mother, I have to think he would certainly have taken first if he had decided to race in tennis shoes instead of unlaced Vans (my humble opinion of course.)  It was a breeze for him because he has more than his fair share of energy. But perhaps he will be the first runner in the Wiscombe Family. Maybe after his first real marathon I will understand why people do this running thing, but probably not!
I am thinking since there is NO WAY he was genetically blessed to be a runner, his luck came from the number given to him at registration! Maybe we will go to the Casino !


Vera said...

Way to go Chandler!!!

Jo-Mamma said...

Chan must take after me! What a goof!

KPackard said...

Didn't Braden do track? Way to go Chandler and I love the part about the shoes--too funny!