While helping where I could with the "Yes on 8" campaign here in California to protect marriage, it has been a bit discouraging in our little liberal city of "all things right and relevant" where people are proud to be tolerant and welcome diversity. I find that they are only tolerant when your opinion lines completely with their views, as in protecting marriage. I have felt our efforts have been somewhat wasted in my city. I was so excited when I left work in Fairfield today, in pouring rain the street was lined with hundreds of Yes on 8 supporters. I honked and waved and gave them all thumbs up and a smile as I passed their diligent faces! What a contrast and what faithful people it has taken to take a stand on this issue, one I fully believe in!! I am not a "hater" but I will take a stand to protect the definition of marriage, for me and for my children. I believe that same sex couples
should have the benefits of a traditonal married couple (and they do in CA), but I think it is wrong that they think they can redefine marriage.
Way to go, Sue! Prop 8 has certainly hit the Utah news channels lately! Remember when Southern Utah picketed the "Adult Bookstore" in Mesquite? After a few years, our efforts paid off, inspite of those who thought our time was wasted.
Go Prop 8! I'm praying everything will turn out well today! I think it's exciting to hear about how energetically everyone has taken to the fight! And I love the Captain Moroni pic! :-)
Hey, where did you get the link to the church on the side of your blog? I've looked everywhere and can't figure out how to do that!
I honked at the supporters too! It was amazing~~all ages and all showing their support of true marriage. I was overwhelmed.
Sue Your eyes are to die for!!!
Totally off the subject, but I didn't know you worked in Fairfield, where do you work?
I also noticed that you were going to see The Secret Life of Bees...I'm reading the book right now, is the movie good?
Well stated, Sue and I know how you feel! That would have been wonderful to see the supporters in Fairfield. Thank goodness it is over and hopefully the tension here can ease. :)
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