Monday, January 12, 2009


Today it has been 5 years since we received the tragic news that my dad died in a plane crash. There are still days when my mind plays tricks on me and find myself thinking I should pick up the phone and call him (we used to talk often over random things, funny jokes, advice, friends and he was my DIY advice guy) Right now Shawn is wishing he were here to help put in our wood flooring. My dad was the kind of guy that could fix anything. He is still missed dearly by family and friends. As I am spending time with my mom in St. George after she broke her leg, I admire her strength as she moves on through life without her soul mate. His funeral was a tribute to the way he lived his life. Every flower shop sold out of plants and flowers. Pilots from everywhere came to show their respect. His funeral was standing room only. He would never believe all of the people that were there to pay their respects. There were several "fly overs" during his funeral. He was killed with Nathan Ballard (Pres. Ballard's grandson) and we were comforted to know that both of these men died doing what they loved and that we have the knowledge of eternal life to get us through this trial. I have no doubt that I will be reunited with my dad someday, that is what keeps us strong and continuing on.

At dad's funeral, we passed out his "calling cards" that he loved. (sorry these did not scan very well but you get the idea) He would have loved the thought of everyone getting one of these.

We also had copies of this saying, that all pilots can relate to. We used to tease my dad and tell him that he should feel guilty for taking a paycheck from SKYWEST, because if the truth were known, he would work for them without a paycheck, he loved it that much. He was so fiercely proud of his kids and grandkids (he could NEVER talk about them without his eyes swelling with tears of joy and pride) I often feel cheated because there are so many milestones to still be reached with his grandkids. I hope I can instill his goodness and love in them. He showed us all how to make the most out of life. Good thoughts abound when we think of him, we have so many great memories of him!


Jo-Mamma said...

Great post, Sue! This is too funny. . . I had just posted some pics of Dad and then decided to check your blog (thinking you hadn't updated) and you had posted the same pic that I almost did. Great minds think alike! I'm still sitting here crying!

Chris said...

What a great tribute to your Dad~~I love to hear about such a fine man.

Stacy said...

What a sweet post. He sounds like he was an amazing person. It makes me think about my own life and what I hope my own children will say about me one day. Very nice tribute.

Anonymous said...

Seem's like yesterday that your dad was here. Such wonderful memories. He was a great man and we all really miss him.
Susan and Warren

Anonymous said...

Okay--this was the day I finally decided to catch up on my e-mail and see what you had on your blog-site--then I came to the tribute to your Dad and couldn't stop crying enough to read it!! Why is it always so hard--I don't think I'll ever stop crying. You're so right he's missing out on seeing his grandkids grow up, a great grandson, graduations, missions, more great grand kids, etc, etc. and I hope he misses me as much as I miss him---It will be a great reunion! Love, Mom