Friday, January 4, 2013


Celebrating the festive season, my work decided to do a Christmas party and everyone was to wear their "Ugly Christmas sweater". I could not find one, so I did what every resourceful girl would do, I made my own. 

My creation! The really awesome part about it: That face x 2, that is my boss!! He must have liked it because thankfully, I am still employed!

Me and Amanda. Amanda is one of those great people that make work fun. I really like her, even though she does really gross things as an Ultrasound Tech. This is a rare picture that she is not holding a probe in her hand. Thanks for leaving it at home for the party Amanda!

Some of SDI with their "Ugly Sweaters"

I gave my lovely sweater to my Boss' wife after the party, she totally appreciated it. I think she said she was going to mail it to her mom for Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susy--how creative! Looks like a fun party & some characters you work with, that's one of the fun things about being in the medical field--the experiences we laugh at, no one else quite gets it. Love, Mom